Apple email parser
Apple email parser

  1. #Apple email parser full#
  2. #Apple email parser software#

Class Methods parse my = Casey, "Casey" (West)] This is the complete regular expression defining an RFC 2822 email address with an optional preceding display name and optional following comment. This regular expression defines what an email address can look like with an optional preceding display name, also known as the phrase. This regular expression defines an $addr_spec wrapped in angle brackets. This regular expression defined what an email address is allowed to look like. my $addr_spec = $Email::Address::addr_spec $Email::Address::addr_spec If you want short names, define them yourself.

#Apple email parser full#

You can access these variables using the full namespace. These regular expressions conform to the rules specified in RFC 2822. For convenience, these variables are declared as package variables that you may access from your program. Several regular expressions used in this package are useful to others. Using these regular expressions is not encouraged, and methods like Email::Address->is_addr_spec should be provided in the future. Providing regular expressions for use by other programs isn't a great idea, because it makes it hard to improve the parser without breaking the "it's a regex" feature. Package VariablesĪCHTUNG! Email isn't easy (if even possible) to parse with a regex, at least if you're on a perl prior to 5.10.0. If you're running version 1.909 or older, you should update!Īlternatively, you could switch to Email::Address::XS which has a backward compatible API. The reported vulnerabilities and some other pathalogical cases (meaning they really shouldn't occur in normal email) have been addressed in version 1.910 and newer. Version 1.909 and earlier of this module had vulnerabilies ( CVE-2015-7686) and ( CVE-2015-12558) which allowed specially constructed email to cause a denial of service.

#Apple email parser software#

The goal of this software is to be correct, and very very fast. Alternatively you may construct objects manually. This class implements a regex-based RFC 2822 parser that locates email addresses in strings and returns a list of Email::Address objects found. My $address = Email::Address->new(Casey => $address->format DESCRIPTION Version 1.912 SYNOPSIS use Email::Address Email::Address - RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation VERSION

Apple email parser